Saturday, September 25, 2010

Modern Day Einsteins.

Researchers in the United States have for the first time shown that time passes faster the higher up you are.

In relation to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, they attempted to show that someone living or working long hours in a top floor apartment or office will age quicker than someone on the ground floor. To understand this some understanding of the theory of relativity must be had. Einstein theorized that a clock at a higher elevation would tick faster than a clock at a lower elevation due to the varying influence of gravity on the two clocks. This theory has since been proven to be true. Using state of the art atomic clocks which are accurate to the point that they only loose less than a second every 3.7 billion years the researchers have proven that time moves more quickly the higher up a staircase you travel. So people living in top floor apartments will age more quickly, but Dr Chou says it is not a difference that is worth worrying about.

"Just one foot height difference would get you older by 100 billionths of a second or 90 billionths of a second over 79 years of life, so that is quite negligible, so people shouldn't worry about high elevation they are living," 

Full story HERE

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